

Matt has a comprehensive skill-set and extensive experience in leading performance improvement projects, implementing new supply-chain models and in operational and organisational restructuring.



Matt has a comprehensive skill-set and extensive experience in leading performance improvement projects, implementing new supply-chain models and in operational and organisational restructuring.

Performance improvement

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often” 

- Mark Twain

BGC can help you improve profitability and create value through top-line growth, improving efficiencies, deploying new technologies, managing teams in driving change and cutting costs.

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Performance improvement

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“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often” 

- Mark Twain

BGC can help you improve profitability and create value through top-line growth, improving efficiencies, deploying new technologies, managing teams in driving change and cutting costs.

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“The Supply Chain stuff is really tricky"

- Elon Musk

BGC can help with developing demand forecasting and supply management tools, to conceive and deploy new fulfilment models. These solutions can help improve customer service levels, grow sales, reduce inventories and costs of execution, freeing up much-needed cash.


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“The Supply Chain stuff is really tricky"

- Elon Musk

BGC can help with developing demand forecasting and supply management tools, to conceive and deploy new fulfilment models. These solutions can help improve customer service levels, grow sales, reduce inventories and costs of execution, freeing up much-needed cash.

Crisis management

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” 

- Sun-Tzu, The Art of War

BGC can be a key ally for your teams through periods of crisis, assisting in restructuring and turnaround activities. This may include supporting management with:

  • Immediate business preservation activities (i.e. protecting liquidity and managing cash-flow)
  • Business stabilisation (e.g. turnaround planning, communication, stakeholder management,…),
  • Executing restructuring activities (e.g. social plans, capacity reduction, …).
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Crisis management

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“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” 

- Sun-Tzu, The Art of War

BGC can be a key ally for your teams through periods of crisis, assisting in restructuring and turnaround activities. This may include supporting management with:

  • Immediate business preservation activities (i.e. protecting liquidity and managing cash-flow)
  • Business stabilisation (e.g. turnaround planning, communication, stakeholder management,…),
  • Executing restructuring activities (e.g. social plans, capacity reduction, …).