
Mergers & Acquisitions

“The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets”

– John D. Rockefeller

“I made my money by selling too soon”

– Bernard Baruch

Matt has experience of dozens of transactions for Corporate and Private Equity clients across various industries, working on both buy and sale sides. He is familiar with all stages and aspects of the deal-cycle

Pre-Deal Execution Post-Deal
M&A Strategic planning Financial due-diligence Post-merger integration services
Market review and analysis Operational due-diligence
Target screening Assistance in raising deal finance
Deal planning Negotiation support
Carve-outs Critical review of SPA and TSA agreements

BGC can assist your business in all stages and aspects of M&A activities, helping your business grow or reposition itself, whilst maximising value and minimising disruption to and distraction from the day-to-day.